Serving inpatients and outpatients in Collier County
infectious disease associates of naples
serving collier county

NCH Health System
We follow patients at Baker Hospital (NCH Downtown) and NCH North

Physicians Regional Health System
We follow patients at Pine Ridge Hospital and at Collier Hospital
improving outcomes
When an Infectious Disease physician is involved in a patient’s care, patients more often receive a correct diagnosis, have shorter lengths of stay, receive more appropriate therapies, have fewer complications and may use fewer antibiotics overall.
the doctors' doctor
Infectious Disease (ID) physicians are the most popular consultants for other physicians, because they are always willing to assist, are known to be thorough, accessible and helpful in highly acute or complex cases. Other physicians usually ask three types of questions:
1. I know my patient is infected can you help me treating him/her?
Patients with serious infections or infections with resistant bacteria may need IV antibiotics. ID doctors can help administering and monitoring them.
2. Is my patient infected?
Fever or a high cell count are common manifestations of infection. But many other diseases can cause them too. When it is unclear if symptoms are due to infection or nor, an expert is needed.
3. I have no idea what my patient has. Can you help me with the diagnosis?
Many medical specialists focus on a single organ, but complex diseases can affect multiple organs or systems. ID physicians can help on those difficult cases.